Wahls T, Darling W, Hoth K, Kamholz J, Rubenstein L, Ten Eyck P, Bisht B, Titcomb T, Snetselaar L. Effects of Wahls elimination and Swank dietary patterns on multiple sclerosis related fatigue, quality of life, processing speed and waking distance. (September 2019). Poster Presentation, 8th Joint American Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, MSVirtual2020.

Hoth K, Linkenmeyer C, Comellas AP, Ten Eyck P, Fiedorowicz J, Make BJ, Regan EA, Hoffman EA, Newell JD, Kinney GL, Wamboldt FS, Hanania NA, Kim V, Iyer AS, Fortis S, Bhatt SP, DeMeo DL, Kunisaki KM, Henkle BE, Foreman MG, Yohanness AM, Silverman EK, Crapo JD. For the COPDGene Investigators. Risk for cognitive impairment in smokers with preserved ratio impaired spirometry- an analysis of the COPDGene cohort. (September 2020). Poster Discussion Session, American Thoracic Society meeting, virtual meeting.

Luehrs RE, Linkenmeyer CJ, Amaza H, Wong C, Ward RC, Phillips G, Comellas AP, Pierce GL, Hoth KF. Greater beat-to-beat blood pressure variability is associated with lower cognitive performance independent of mean blood pressure among cigarette smokers. (September 2019). Poster Presentation, American Heart Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Hoth KF, Regan EA, Make B, Han MK, Foreman MG, Iyer A, Bhatt SP, Kim V, Bon J, Soler X, Kinney GL, Hanania NA, Lowe KE, Holm KE, Yohannes AM, Shinozaki G, Fiedorowicz JG. For the COPDGene Investigators. Clinical markers associated with risk of suicide or drug overdose among heavy smokers - A longitudinal follow-up study of the COPDGene cohort. (May 2019). Rapid Poster Session, American Thoracic Society meeting, Dallas, TX.

Luehrs RE, Moreau KL, Wamboldt F, Aloia M, Weinberger MD, Make B, Bowler R, Crapo JD, Pierce GL, Hoth KF. Individuals with overlap syndrome have lower cognitive performance than individuals with COPD or obstructive sleep apnea alone: Role of carotid artery stiffness. (April 2019). Poster Presentation, Experimental Biology meeting, Orlando, FL.

Luehrs RE, Moreau K, Aloia M, Weinberger HD, Make B, Bowler, R, Crapo JD, Wamboldt F, Hoth KF*/Pierce GL*. Obstructive sleep apnea may exacerbate carotid artery stiffness in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (September 2018). Poster Presentation, American Society of Hypertension meeting, Chicago, IL. * authors contributed equally.

Luehrs RE, Moreau KL, Comellas AP, Weinberger HD, Crapo JD, Wamboldt F, Hoth KF*/Pierce GL*. Long-acting beta-agonist use is associated with lower carotid artery stiffness and greater carotid artery compliance in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (April 2018). Poster Presentation, Experimental Biology meeting, San Diego, CA. * authors contributed equally.

Heinzman J, Hoth KF, Regan E, Make BJ, Kinney G, Wamboldt FS, Holm K, Martinez C, Cho M, Silverman EK, Crapo JD, Han S, Potash J, Shinozaki G. (May 2017). GWAS and systems biology analysis of depressive symptoms in the COPDGene cohort. Poster Presentation, American Psychiatric Association meeting, San Diego, CA.

Iyer AS, Bhatt SP, Dransfeld MT, Kinney GL, Holm KE, Wamboldt FS, Hanania NA, Martinez CH, Regan EA, Foreman MG, Hoth KF*/Kim V* for the COPDGene Investigators. (May 2017). Psychological distress prospectively predicts severe exacerbations in smokers with and without airflow limitation- a longitudinal follow-up study of the COPDGene cohort.  Poster Discussion Session, American Thoracic Society meeting, Washington, DC. *authors contributed equally.

Kinner E, Hoth K, Wamboldt F, Swigris J, Sandhaus R, Aloia M, Holm K. (March, 2017). The association of marital conflict with adherence to long-term oxygen therapy among chronic lung disease patients. Society of Behavioral Medicine meeting, San Diego, CA.